
After meeting at the National At-Home Dad Network’s annual convention in 2022, two Connecticut stay-at-home dads started a standing monthly dinner for local stay-at-home dads and primary caregivers.

They pick a different restaurant each month in Middletown because it’s halfway between their homes and has tons of cool spots to eat that are open late.

Dinners typically start at 6 PM and are very casual with some dads hurrying home to help with bedtime and others staying well into the evening to enjoy a rare night out with the company of similarly-situated adults.

How to Get Connected:

Send me an email at chris@ctdads.com telling me what phone number or Messenger account you want to be contacted on, then I’ll reach out and introduce myself.

Now that we’ve got each others’ numbers, you can text me anytime day or night (I shut off notifications as needed, but will respond) if you want to chat.

And I’ll reach out to you twice a month with a personal message. I will never add you to a group text without your permission.

The first text will let you know the next meeting’s date and the second will let you know which restaurant we’re going to and ask if you’re able to attend.

Why not just decide earlier and only send one text? Because checking in on each other is sort of the whole point.

Well why not just send an email? Because stay-at-home dads only use email for taxes and password resets.

And if we ever forget to text you, or texting isn’t your thing, check back here at www.ctdads.com where they’ll both be posted whenever the decisions are made.

National Affiliations:

We are loosely affiliated with both the National At-Home Dad Network and City Dads Group.

We encourage all Connecticut dads to join these organizations for additional solidarity.